If you’re getting the PII_EMAIL_b79c1d8e error when trying to send an email, it’s likely because you’re using an unsecure server. To fix this, you’ll need to switch to a secure server.
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The PII_Email_b79c1d8e appears on some versions of Microsoft Outlook when an email address is entered into the “To:” field. This can happen if the email address is not properly formatted, or if there are spaces before or after the email address. The PII_Email_b79c1d8e message can also appear if the email address is invalid.
There are a few things that you can do to fix the PII_Email_b79c1d8e error:
-Check the email address for spaces before or after the address. If there are spaces, remove them and try entering the address again.
-Make sure that the email address is entered in a valid format. For example, [email protected]
-If you’re using Outlook, check that the default “From” field contains a valid email address. To do this, go to File > Account Settings > Email tab. Under “Default From”, make sure that there is a valid email address listed.
-If you’re using Outlook Express, check that the “Mail Server” entry under Tools > Accounts contains a valid server name.
-Check with the recipient to make sure that they have a valid email address.
What is PII_Email_b79c1d8e?
PII_Email_b79c1d8e is a personal identifier that can be used to identify an individual. It is typically used for contact information such as an email address. When this identifier is present in data, it can be used to link that data to a specific individual. This can be problematic if the data is leaked or hacked, as it can lead to identity theft or other malicious activities.
There are a few steps you can take to protect your PII_Email_b79c1d8e:
-Never share your PII_Email_b79c1d8e with anyone unless you absolutely trust them.
-If you must share your PII_Email_b79c1d8e, make sure that the recipient has a secure way to store it (such as encryption).
-If you are no longer using a particular service that requires your PII_Email_b79c1d8e, make sure to delete your account and remove all traces of your PII from their systems.
-Keep an eye on your inbox and watch for any suspicious activity. If you see anything unusual, report it to the service provider immediately.
-Be aware of phishing scams and other ways that hackers can obtain your PII. never click on links or download attachments from unknown sources.
How to fix PII_Email_b79c1d8e
If you’re getting the PII_Email_b79c1d8e message, it means that your email address is associated with more than one account. To fix this, you’ll need to verify which account is yours and then update your settings.
Here’s how to do that:
1. Check the email associated with your account. You should see an email from Google with the subject line “Your Google Account has been verified.” If you don’t see this email, your account hasn’t been verified yet.
2. Once you’ve found the email, open it and click on the link inside to verify your account.
3. Once your account has been verified, sign in and go to your settings.
4. In the “Personal info & privacy” section, click on “Email.”
5. You should see a list of all the email addresses associated with your accounts. Find the one that you want to use as your primary email address and click on “Make primary.”
6. You’ll be asked to confirm that you want to make this change. Click on “Confirm.”
7. That’s it! Your primary email address has been updated and you should no longer see the PII_Email_b79c1d8e error message.
Now that you know what the PII_Email_b79c1d8e error is and how to fix it, you can prevent this problem from happening in the future. By following the steps in this article, you can ensure that your email address will be safe and sound.